Friday, June 11, 2010

A bit random...

but it's what you're getting, like it or not.

First off, a taste of Oregon, brought to you by Best Buy (the Kittian grocery store, not the other)
Ok, you got me, only two are from Oregon. BUT LOOK! There is TILLAMOOK cheese!!! And SOY YOGURT! and SOY CHEESE!

You: "But Laura, why is there pasta sauce there too??"
Me: "Oh that... yes, I eat tomato pasta sauce now."

Be amazed. Or shocked. Either is acceptable.

Spaghetti.... still no. Give me a few more years to muster up the courage for that one.

Did I mention that we got a bunch of free stuff from the girl who moved out upstairs?? Well we did, and in that loot were a bunch of potted plants that were very healthy and growing like crazy. Then Matt left. Errr... the green thumb left. So here they are today... a bit less healthy, a few less alive... but still kickin!

Thought you might like the view my flower get to enjoy too.... I know I do...

And they seem to attract this little guy who hangs out daily now. He's pretty cute. Haven't thought of a name for my new friend yet. Any ideas??

Then as I was transferring pictures I found the previously lost Matt's Birthday dinner pictures... well, take them for what they are.

Not sure....

But I think that Sangria bowl....

may be empty...

and who doesn't love a mullet + mowhawk??? (a mullhawk??)
(which I braided)

Had a nice chat with my land-lady this evening. She had her nephew over to measure the windows. She is going to try and have the rolly-down metal window covers installed in the next couple of months. She also informed me that she is pretty confident that this year will be hurricane-hits-St. Kitts-for-the-1st-time-since-1998-year. So.... that'll be fun, right? Apparently, in 1998, the eye of the hurricane hit St. Kitts twice. First time her house was unharmed. 2nd time? Ripped her front door off and shattered her windows. 

Rolly-down metal window protectors... yes please!

But for now, the seas are calm and the skies are gorgeous....

(taken from my balcony this evening)

Back to the grind... TGIF everybody!

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