Sunday, February 21, 2010

Is it April yet?

This term has been horribly boring. Must keep going.... (please read that in an awfully pained voice inside your head, it'll make it much more dramatic)

Luckily, there have been some activities to distract me from the boring-ness (not a word, I know, but deal) that is immunology and parasitology (my two least favorite classes). Which by the way, I did not see that coming Parasitology. Thank you for blindsiding me with how painful you have become. Thanks, really, I appreciate that, a lot.


I went on another night catamaran trip this Friday! It was a gorgeous evening, although I was FREEEEEZING on the way home. Note to self: bring a jacket for the ride back next time. Wind + wet clothes + no sun = brrrrrrrr (yes, even in the Caribbean)

This is a picture my friend took of Matt and I just after boarding. It was his 1st cat trip, which he seemed to enjoy quite a bit. 

It was a GORGEOUS evening. 
I also played volleyball that evening before the cat trip. We won. Of course... mwahahahaha. We played my friend Megan's team, and came close to losing the 1st game, but then got it together in time to completely obliterate them. Sorry, Megan. 

Hum. I guess that is about it. My life really isn't so exciting. Except for the beaches, and the catamaran trips, and living on an island. Besides all that, it really isn't all that thrilling. 

Midterms Round 2 start this week. Must do better....

Oh, I baked this morning. Blueberry muffins from a box. Delicious none the less. Please enjoy... via a picture. Baking in an un-airconditioned house is not recommended by the way. It was hot in our house before I started baking, and now it is just plain uncomfortable. Sigh.

Nom nom nom
My Dad sent me another adorable picture of Tanzi cuddling with my Mom, so I figured I would post one of her too, because, well, I can. :)

On to physio... and parasit... and anatomy... and maybe, if I'm feeling quite productive a little immuno.

1 comment:

  1. aw this pics makes me also miss lil tanzi face. You should let Matt know that he's turning rather tan.. Actually so are you :)
