Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Insert creative title here

That may give you an inkling of my thinking skills right now.

This post is completely food related. Unless something vet school related pops up. Which is likely.

Wait, what is this???

Yup. A Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich.

BUT HOW??? Don't fret, I'll tell you how.

My friends went to Puerto Rico last weekend to get away and enjoy the land of malls, fast food, and the US dollar. They are so awesome they took orders and brought back everyone's favorites from McD's and Wendy's. They're pretty cool people, I think I'll stay friends with them! (fast food doesn't hurt either)

Second food section is this GLORIOUS thing some people decided to call a Galette. What is that? I have no idea. But it is delicious. I can't wait to make some more and eat it all on my own.

Butternut squash + caramelized onions + pie crust =

If I can find more butternut squash, I'll make another for Thanksgiving. 
That's all.