Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sometimes this island is not a paradise...

Take now for example.

Ever had one of those weeks where you just can't win? Me too. And it is only Tuesday.

For example, the car is broken again. A little bit more severe this time. I've decided that anytime I need to buy a used car, someone else should do the buying. It has been proven that I am no good at it.

The power went out twice while I tried to write that last post. TWICE. Then I gave up for a week. So really, that last post was written over a week ago. I think. Oh, and the generator isn't working again. (Notice a pattern here?)

We had a pop-quiz Monday morning at 8am. That is just cruel.

Thanksgiving is Thursday. (Happy Turkey Day everyone!!!) I'll be on an island that doesn't celebrate, which is okay, seeing as how it is a whole different country from the US, but my US based school doesn't give us the day off either. I am thankful for many things though... a wonderful family at home, Matt here to suffer with me, and great friends to go to dinner with so none of us have to cook a giant dinner in our tiny minuscule kitchens! There will be baking though, because what is Thanksgiving without homemade pies??

Well, I suppose that isn't as dreary as I made it out to be. There is a lot to look forward to and lots of food to be eaten in the near future! Mmmmm turkey! Somebody have an extra scoop of sweet potatoes for me, and stuffing, and turkey, and everything else amazing.

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