Monday, November 23, 2009

I ate real food!

I've been sick for a good 8-9 days... and very conveniently I've appeared to get much better the afternoon AFTER my midterm... sigh. I passed though, so that's all that counts really. Tonight I ate a turkey bagel sandwich. A SANDWICH! I was so proud of my stomach, it did well. And after today's exam I can tell you all about the gastric glands, microvili, intestinal crypts, goblet cells, etc that help me digest that turkey bagel. Just not enough to get an A while I'm sick... no biggie.

Thursday is Thanksgiving and I was starting to think I'd be spending it in bed, now things are looking MUCH better. Bebhinn invited me to join her and a few friends at Ballahoo's for a Thanksgiving style dinner they're having. I'm uber excited. I will actually get turkey, TURKEY. Sooooo excited. Much less bummed out about being away from family and friends now.

I have a few pictures... nothing exciting or of great quality, but I hope you enjoy.

View from my favorite look-out on campus... it doesn't look all that gorgeous, but it is in real life.

Looking north (I think...) from that same look-out

GORGEOUS picture... not my own. This was from the night catamaran trip I took Friday before last, just before I got sick. 

My camera's attempt at a pretty picture... yeah.

Bay Front at night as viewed from the catamaran boat

Goodnight all. :)

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