Sunday, September 4, 2011

Dodging goats can only mean one thing...

I'm back in St. Kitts.

Here are list of my fails/wins for the trip back thus far:

1. My much adored iPad and US cell phone are safely still in the states... on the kitchen table of the Masunari house. Ooooooops. (Fail)

2. Successfully drowned my sorrows regarding #1 at the Portland Airport with a delicious Laurelwood Brewing Co. beer. Om nom noms. (Win)

3. Made it on all of my flights despite falling asleep in front of the wrong gate (twice) AND got both my bags in St. Kitts (Win)

4. Couldn't understand a single word coming out of Points' mouth for the first 10 minutes we were talking. (Fail) But have no fear, it came back quickly after that.

5. Drove on the right side (read: wrong side) of the road for the first 500 or so yards until my passenger pointed out my mistake. Luckily, there was no traffic at that time. (Fail)

6. Successfully dodged goats wandering in the streets. (Win)

Ahhhhh, St. Kitts, how I have not missed you much, but still am glad to be back, I think.

Pictures to come soon. Mainly from the week before Oregon and the trip back to St. Kitts. I only seem to have taken ONE photo during my two weeks in Oregon. (Fail?)

Class tomorrow. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry we missed you this time around! Maybe we can hang out next time you are back in Oregon...
