Sunday, September 27, 2009

Testing the waters

Welp, here goes nothing.

My life has been pretty uneventful these past two weeks... just class and studying.

This weekend I spent the entire time on campus, but I did not spend the entire weekend in the books, which helps to keep me sane. Yesterday I did laundry, baked, and made a gift bag out of grocery bags for Molly's birthday today (Sunday). And studied, a lot.

Today Molly and I test drove a little Suzuki 2 door SUV. (Read: Molly drove, I rode... St. Kitts license is required, I don't have one yet). It is super cute and in great condition (for an island clunker) so we're looking forward to possibly buying that little island gem. Then we went to the barns to practice large animal palpation on a very gentle and kind Thoroughbred named Ricky. He is nearly 30, and is a retired race horse with an old injury to his left carpus (what looks like the "knee" on their front leg) so it was super swollen... but it was good to compare normal to abnormal. He was a sweety and did his best to find more apple in my pockets after we ran out. The rest of the day was spent in the books unfortunately.

Tomorrow is my first vet school midterm exam! Eek! It is in microanatomy and embryology. I feel prepared, more so than any undergrad midterm I ever took... so I expect it will go at least OK. We had two mock exams tonight put on by TAs and I did well on both, so that should count for something, right?

Tomorrow afternoon Molly and I are hoping to test drive another SUV, this one is much older than the one we saw today, but has a rebuilt engine. It is also manual, where as the SUV from today was automatic. We shall see how that goes...

Finally, tomorrow, we also get to go looking for apartments/houses for next term. The goal is to find someplace close to campus that isn't horrendously expensive, and safe of course. More on that later.

What else is going on... not too much.

Oh! Yes! There is news! News worthy news even!

After much discussion and planning, Matt and I have decided that he will be moving here in January! We're both super excited about this. He'll be applying to grad schools in the next few months, then in the time between application and hopefully starting a program, he'll come to the island and support me, work at the prep school, and enjoy island life. And of course, become my personal chef again (yay!!!). It'll be nice to share my life here with him.

Pictures... they're sad this time. I haven't really taken pictures of anything except for the free backpack Hills gave us (go corporate sponsors!?), the cookies I baked, and SUV we test drove. Sorry 'bout that... I'll do better next time, honest!

Funfetti cookies (with frosting this time) made by yours truly in my awesome toaster oven. Also pictured is the gift bag I made out of grocery bags. Oh yeah, that's right. Birthdays St. Kitts style!

Free loot. No one can resisit it. Besides, I thought it'd be a great idea not to bring a backpack to vet school with me... (what was I thinking??) Thank you Hills! (Its actually a very nice backpack!)

This is not THE little car we test drove, but it is the same make and model, just a different year and owner.

This is the one we'll be test driving tomorrow if all goes well. Hawt 80's paint. Like it?
And no, you don't want to know how much they want for either of these... it is ridiculous island pricing.

1 comment:

  1. 1) Yay for Matt!!! that's exciting.
    2) Yay for free loot. I have so much law firm/company branded random stuff I never have to buy a thing again.
