Monday, September 28, 2009

The verdict is in...

1. My mom informed me that I got out of jury duty! Yippee! Living outside the country helps, a lot.

2. I don't have my grade back yet from my exam, but the average and median scores were a 92% for our class, and I only know of 2 questions that I got wrong... so... I think it is safe to say I got my first A in vet school! Confirmation to follow.

3. Molly and I test drove the other vehicle today. It is a much larger SUV than the little white one. Molly drove it around the main road, to the movie theater and back, then I drove it in a loop around campus. It has a super smooth clutch and we liked it quite a bit. Decisions, decisions... large or small, cute or rugged, manual or automatic, more expensive, less expensive...

4. The owner of the SUV we test drove tonight informed us that her house will be available next semester... and it is exactly where and what we're looking for! It is a 3 bedroom house just a couple of miles down the road from campus, fenced yard, wrap around porch, 3 bedroom with a master suite, washer and dryer, very reasonable rent... its perfect! We're going to look at it on Friday, if we like it all we have to do is contact the landlord and sign a lease! Sweet, right? Allison is the other student who will be living with Molly, Matt, and I.

5. We made a bid on one of the SUVs. Can you guess which one?? Please do, I am interested to hear your guesses!

Overall, it was a good day. Now back to studying as I have two exams next week that I am worried about. (Gross anatomy and physiology... ick - my two least favorite)