Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lessons & Observations of the week

I have now been on the island for exactly 6 weeks, and am 1/3 of the way through my first term at vet school. Here are a few things that I've learned... 

1. Canned green peas are the ugly step sibling of frozen green peas. So mushy... so pale... so not the same.

2. It is a hot day in the Caribbean when the locals who work on campus tell you it is a hot day.

3. Be thankful of power tools, and Carhartts, and unions. The contruction crews here use pick axes and wear dress slacks, belts, and button up collared shirts to do construction. Or, when doing more messy tasks, they were long sleeve coveralls. Sounds great, right? I'm sure they're quite cozy around 3pm when it feels around 100 degrees outside with the humidity. There is quite a bit of construction on campus, so there are always workers around. They're very kind and don't seem to judge us like the locals who only see us in town.

4. The battle against the ants is never over. Never. I think I am winning right now... it is only temporary though.

5. All work and no play makes Jill a dull student. Time to head to the beach this weekend!

6. One question really does make a difference! All three of the midterms I have taken, my grade has been on the edge of one grade or the next (higher and lower) by only one question. My 'A' was only by 1 question, my "B" was nearly an "A"... missed it by one question, and my "C" was nearly a "B" by half a point... I should've written that it was a mediolateral view of the LEFT forelimb, even though it was stated in the question that it was a LEFT forelimb. Lesson learned. I get it.

7. Passing is really all that counts. Tests blow. 

8. I went for a run last night with Molly for the first time in 2 months.
     A) Humidity sucks to run in. At 7pm it was 82 degrees, but with humidity was 91. Ugh.
     B) Deciding to add an extra loop to Molly's normal route when you haven't run in 2 months was a bad idea. Nearly puked.
     C) Not stretching very well after your first run in 2 months = soreness, walking funny, and a reason for friends to laugh :)

I heard my first siren yesterday since coming here 6 weeks ago... I didn't realize how nice it is to have less "noise pollution" but now I appreciate it a bit more. The main sounds I hear on campus are the donkeys (they are quite noisy), frogs, birds, and the occasional "moo" from the cows right next to the dorms. Other than that, there is construction noise intermittently, but hardly any traffic or "city" noises that we're all accustomed to back home.

That's about all... life here really isn't very exciting. You really have to enjoy a relaxed and laid back lifestyle to be happy here. I've talked with a lot of my classmates who're having trouble adjusting because they're just so bored and don't feel like there is anything to do to get away from school. I really enjoy the lifestyle and am happy if all I do on my weekend is study, walk around campus and head to the beach for a few hours. I mean really, what else could you want? But that is me, and I am happy enjoying free time to sit and think and enjoy the outdoors. I understand why my classmates aren't as content, and I feel for them, but we'll all get through it together. Its nice forming bonds and camaraderie among my classmates, I think it'll help us now, and after we all leave here.

Pictures... I really haven't had anything new to take pictures of. But I now have proof that I study, and a huge thank you to Aunt Becky for her handiwork on my cute kitchen towels that make my kitchen feel more home-y. :)

Studying Gross Anatomy. Molly was very intrigued by a cross section of the spinal cord... even though we were supposed to be studying the thoracic limb. Good times in vet school!

My awesome hand embroidered kitchen towels my talented Aunt Becky gave me just before I left!

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