Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Stupid goats...


What kind of nutrition test asks which species eat forbs. Seriously?? Aren't there more important things to ask... lets say, something about polioencephalomalacia??

No? Okay, then test us on Forbs. And see how much of the class has no idea what forbs are.

Forbs are shrubs. I learned this post-exam.

Stupid goats.

I want my 1.25 points back.


  1. Maybe you will never ever ever forget what a forb is now...? I think I would rather have the 1.25 points too. Unless you get on Jeopardy someday!
    "What is a forb?" :)

  2. Don't you love those random, never even heard or mentioned questions? Keep up the great posts, miss you tons!!!
